2021年12月大学英语四级考试真题(三)答案与详解Part IWriting结构框图:!第1段引出话题:介绍旧书回收项目的举办者、举办时间和参与者。A Report on theProject of Used第2段具体介绍话题的细节:介绍活动目的,说明活动的具体情况。Books Collecting第3段结尾:补充说明其他情况,提出建议。范文点评:参考范文精彩点评A Report on the Project of Used Books CollectingTo Whom It May Concern,【1】点出话题:开篇介绍了项目主题以[1]A school project of collecting used books was held last及活动举行的时间。weekend.The project,[2]organized by Student Union,targeted【2】介绍活动的组织者及参加者。mainly junior and senior students and attracted many sophomores,【3】引领下段,描述细节。too.【3】The following are some of the details.【4】点明活动目的:提高学生的循环利[4]Aimed at raising students'awareness of recycling and helping用意识,帮助他们培养节俭的习惯。them develop a habit of thrifty,5]the project consists of three【5】交代活动的数量。activities.[6]The first one is barter in which students bring their【6】使用The first one引出第一项活used books in exchange for books they need.[7]The second is动:以物易物。donation,in which books,mainly cartoons and magazines,are【7】使用The second引出第二项活动:donated to a remote rural school library.[8]In the third activity,向一所偏远的农村学校图书馆捐赠books,mainly reference ones and materials for CET-4,CET-6 and图书。graduate entrance exam,are given away to students in need for【8】使用in the third activity引出第三free.项活动:无偿转让一些参考书和考[9]I am very happy to report that about 500 used books have试资料。found new readers,that 800 have been collected for the rural【9】结尾:对活动情况进行总结。school library,and that the number of the latter is still growing.【10】表达自己对这项活动的建议。On this account,[10]I suggest that activities of this kind be heldonce a semester.Yours sincerely,Li Ming话题词汇:second-hand books二手书textbook recycling教科书循环利用best-selling books畅销书dog-eared翻I旧了的2021.12/53(第3套)